Odd or even numbers? Even
Favourite food? Chilli
Chocolate or lemon? Lemon
If you could be any animal, what would it be? A guinea pig
Are you a morning or night person? Night
Describe yourself in 3 words: Optimistic, resilient, competitive
If you won a million dollars, what would you buy? Something for my family
Favourite colour: Pink
Favourite flower: Anything to do with chillies
What makes you smile? My one true love 🥰
What does Sunday night look like for you? Cooking for my family 🤤
Beach or country? Country
Previous jobs: Tree lopping
Family recipe: Chilli nachos 🌶️ and then pizza 🍕 and then chocolate pancakes 🥞
Top of the travel bucket list: Mongolia
Favourite season and why: Winter/because there is a limit to what is socially acceptable in summer
Most memorable travel experience: Europe with my Waifu
Where did you go for family holidays growing up? Around the Sunshine Coast
Tea or coffee? Coffee
Cannot leave the house without? A purpose
Favourite sport: Lacrosse
Favourite emoji: >_<
Favourite movie: The Dark Knight
Usual breakfast: Homemade muesli
Five people from any time period over for dinner? As a social experiment: Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Pol Pot, Genghis Khan, and Tony Abbott
Currently watching: Terrace House
Greatest achievement to date: Being a parent
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Odd or even numbers? E 👏 v 👏 e 👏 n 👏
Favourite food? Pete’s pizza and vanilla slice
Chocolate or lemon? Hmmm… day to day it would be chocolate (some 70-odd percent dark) but, every now and then, it would be lemon meringue
If you could be any animal, what would it be? Probably a labrador
Are you a morning or night person? Night
Describe yourself in 3 words: Empathetic, passionate, determined
If you won a million dollars, what would you buy? A rescue farm and a family holiday
Favourite colour: Do I have to choose? Hmmm, I guess it would be pink (as much as I am in denial about that)
Favourite flower: Peony
What makes you smile? My family
What does Sunday night look like for you? Planning for the coming week
Beach or country? I cannot choose… both have my heart
Previous jobs: Pharmacy assistant & various research positions
Family recipe: Strawberry cheesecake
Top of the travel bucket list: Mongolia
Favourite season and why: Spring/capturing flowers is a favourite slow, mindful pastime
Most memorable travel experience: Spending my 30th ill in Paris flat on the bed looking out the window at a rainbow - epitome of the “life is bittersweet” mantra
Where did you go for family holidays growing up? You would find us in either Chinchilla or Bribie Island (variety is the spice, I guess…)
Tea or coffee? Tea all day every single day
Cannot leave the house without? Snacks (parent life), keys & phone
Favourite sport: Tennis
Favourite emoji: ❤️
Favourite movie: Cannot choose… (those who know me will find this amusing)
Usual breakfast: Banana smoothie
Five people from any time period over for dinner? For similar social experimentation reasons to Pete, I would choose Corrie ten Boom, Adolf Hitler's bodyguard, Nelson Mandela, Eva Mozes Kor, & Handsomu
Currently watching: Nothing (if I had the time, I would be watching The Office. Always something else to do, though.)
Greatest achievement to date: Co-raising/nurturing a beautiful girl with Pete
From the archives. (Hyderabad, India // circa 2015)