Deathrow Unchained :: Mother's Day High Tea

Most people with a social conscience know burnout all too well.

In the current climate, most empaths are well and truly burnt out.

I was feeling particularly down recently. I did something I highly recommend to anyone feeling similar feels: being a teeny, tiny, manageable part of something much bigger than yourself.

Yesterday, we went to the remarkable sanctuary that is Deathrow Unchained (DRU) Mother’s Day High Tea (after a cosy morning at our local markets).

The DRU story (look it up; here is a good place to start) is one of tenacity, determination, and resilience. It is about rising above your circumstances. In the process, the founder, Kate, and the team of volunteers have saved ~5,000 animals. The catalyst for the dream was devastating, but Kate proved that it would not define nor limit her, and she is rewriting the story of her life, chapter by chapter at DRU.

You leave DRU with all kinds of feelings: awe at what can be achieved by a band of courageous human beings despite all odds and inevitable heartache, love for all of the animals you now know a bit about, and a sense of empowerment to continue doing your tiny bit - because it does all add up.

Everyone should visit DRU and do one of their many tours throughout the year. In addition, there are inspiring programs that the DRU team are currently working on… Chloe and I are watching this space very closely.

Some of the amazing, big-hearted businesses that supported the high tea:

Mandala VGF

Pippa’s Pantry

Veganyumm Bakehouse

Please enjoy the following. Simply sharing the SEO love for a cause close to my heart - rescuing animals, supporting their healing, and lovingly rehoming them. Enjoy!

Image credit: Chloe McDonald, Creative Director (7)